Friday, June 19, 2009


Last night I went to the wake of the truck driver who was killed in a motorcycle accident on Sunday. His name is Ken Olsen and he was married to Anna and has two kids, Ken & Kristen. Please pray for Anna. I know the pain she is feeling and she is going to need God's strength to get through it.

Going there was a huge flash back for me and was rather hard, but also a good reminder of how precious life is. I find myself getting annoyed with little things and I am trying my best to stop that. I have so many blessings in my life and I need to focus on those, but the things that I cannot change. Sure I would love to have my sister back and to have Timmy living a block away still... but that is not the way it is. However, I have a husband who makes me feel so loved and taken care of. I have the privilege of seeing the love in his eyes when he smiles at me and often times I'm too busy to notice. He'll come home from work and give me a kiss while I'm cooking and I'll just take it and move on to stirring the noodles rather than showing him how much I appreciate him. I also have an awesome daughter who makes me smile and laugh and who has shown me that life goes on every day and to just keep taking it day by day. I don't know what tomorrow holds but I do know that I'm going to try my best to appreciate the small things and not worry about things I cannot change.

The saying that has gotten me through the hardest times is:

God grant me courage to change the things I can, serenity to accept the things I cannot change and wisdom to know the difference.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Just what I needed...

We went up to the Dells with Kim & Collin this past weekend and had an awesome time. Between boating, beaching, eating, sunning & talking it was JUST what I needed. It's great to spend time with people who you don't have to entertain or look for things to talk about..but rather just relax and enjoy the relationship that has been growing into a friendship that Pete & I both needed. It was fun watching the boys be boys. They made friends at the beach and played the bean bag game for HOURS. Saturday was just adults while Makenzie was at the Jensens and Sunday we brought her with us. She did great and, as we guessed, loved the sand and water.

We lowered our house to the FINAL price so we'll see what happens. If it doesn't sell by Nov 1st then we've decided to take it off until the next Spring (it's hard keeping the house perfect between the home office and Mak)... so we have 5 months to just sit and wait. Our DREAM home is still up for sale so all we can hope for is that while we're waiting for this house to sell that the price on the house we want will continue to drop!! We've had lots of people interested, so hopefully when they see the crazy low price tag (which is still higher then the short sales in our neighborhood) they might make an offer.

We lost one of our truck drivers to a motorcycle accident Sunday, so please keep his family in your prayers. I know how they feel and they are going to need alot of help from God to get through these days.

Life has been hard for some time now, but I've noticed some positive things...

1) Work has been picking up at Catom
2) I am doing better at staying home by myself at the house
3) Mine & Pete's relationship is at a very strong point and we're on the same page as far as future plans go.
4) Timmy is coming to visit for two weeks in July

Monday, June 8, 2009

Saturday the 6th

"Napping" with Grandpa

The s'more from Friday night!! Yummy.

Playing at her big girl table!!

7am Pete and I started to wake up and we decided just the lay in bed and relax until we heard the little one. It was nice to be able to just lay around and not rush. I don't take enough time to do this!! I really need to :)

8am We finally get out of bed and Pete feds Makenzie while I showered. We were planning on leaving for Walmart around 8:30 to miss the rush, but Pete couldn't find the truck keys!! After a long time looking we finally leave at 9:30, lol.

9:30 We head off to the store to find some gates for the condo and to get some food. After we got back, Makenzie played while I started to clean and Pete hung curtains for the sliding glass entries. They turned out GREAT. He has really turned into a handy man... something I didn't think was possible,... ok, that sounds mean, but oh well. We put Mak down for a nap at 11am and I finished cleaning the whole place while he worked on some other things.

1pm I was finishing mopping the floor when Char walked in to see the baby. She offered to stay with her while we ran to Madison to get the gates that we couldn't find at Walmart. She also told us to go out to get dinner!! YAY. Yes... I have a wonderful mother in law and I know how blessed I am. We shopped and ate and had a great time. We just kept smiling at each other and laughing at how needed it was. We haven't gone out for a "date night" since she's been born!! To her credit, we really haven't felt the need to... but after Friday I needed it really bad.

7pm We made our way back to the condo very slowly and just enjoyed the peaceful ride. Once we got back we hung out with the Jensens and were happy to see our baby again. She stayed up until 9pm playing with Grandpa and her new shopping cart. I also got a padded foam thing for the patio outside that she loved. Pete put the first gate up but realized that the second was going to be a project so he decided to wait until the next day after church.

10pm We had a good time listening to stories about their most recent missionary trip and about the kids that we sponsor. They really want me to go with them on a trip so it wasn't a good idea for me to hear all those horror stories!! It's all worth it though. I know some day I'll go with Pete to see the place he loves so much. We finally ended the day... having NO IDEA that we would NOT be making it to church the next day... Mak slept until 11:15 the next afternoon... LOL.

We really enjoyed our weeked up in WI. We got to spend alot of time with Pete's family while still getting alot on our to-do list done. Even though the weather was yucky it allowed us to get some work done so that we can just go boating next weekend with Kim & Collin.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Friday the 5th

Just a warning... this was NOT a good day for me!!

6am I wake up and I get ready and do some devotionals.

7am Makenzie wants out of her crib after playing a little bit. I could tell right away that she was in pain from teething!! She didn't want to be dressed, didn't want to eat, didn't want to play.

8am I made chocolate chip cookies and tried to have Mak play on the floor while I was cooking, but she just wanted to be held! So, I held her while they were baking and we read some books and played. Pete thought that he would be home around noon to head up to WI so I was trying to keep her awake so that she would nap in the car.

9am Pete calls to say he is on his way back to the shop so I started packing his truck up (he left it home for me to pack while he was working). Mak did NOT like this. Every time I went outside she would scream bc she wanted to go out at play. She loves being outside ANYTIME ANY DAY.

10am I get a call from Pete saying that he is on call for a 1pm pickup and he's excited to take the 18-wheeler with a special trailer for a spin... me... not so happy. I was wanting to get out of the house!! ( I have a really hard time staying in the house by myself... it sounds silly but it is just a sad place to me right now.) I put Mak down for a nap and had a two hour window to finish cleaning (we had a showing at 3:30), packing (to be ready before the showing), and getting random stuff like watering flowers and getting food ready for the weekend. The two hours went by fast but I got alot done.

12pm We eat lunch... but Makenzie didn't want anything... except for the chocolate chip cookie I gave her at the end. Opps. She was still a mess from teething so I took her to the park to get her mind off of it. We had a great time on the slide and she loved the swings. It was all great until we walked home, which she SCREAMED the whole time. She didn't want to leave but I knew we had to get out of the door by 3 before the realtor showed up. The Cortland cop was nice enough to wave and smile at me as he drove by on the walk home but I know he was really just laughing inside... that or getting ready to call and report me for making my child leave the park unwillingly.

2pm After about breaking down from frustration and disappointment in taking ALL DAY to clean up, pack and get out of the house I decided that we both needed ice cream. JUST IN TIME I heard a Harley roll by and I thought "Oh, that's just the guy down the street but it would be great if that was mom and dad...." AND IT WAS. They wanted to see if she wanted to go on her first motorcycle ride but she wasn't very happy at that point so it didn't work. She just wanted my dad to hold her, which worked out great so I could throw everything in the truck, empty the diaper pail, pick up the leftover toys and walk through and make sure the house was ready to show.

3pm We all go for ice creme and I waited at Ollie's (the ice cream place) until Pete was done. They had a grassy place for Makenzie to run while we waited. My mom drove our car back home for us so Mak, Pete & I jumped in the truck to GET OUT OF CORTLAND!!! After a three hour car ride (Mak didn't sleep the whole time) we got to the condo.

6pm We get there and our key doesn't work... after I panicked Pete found that the contractor hid a key for us!! We unpack and I get news from our realtor that the people loved the house and they were considering it over the weekend. PRAY IT SELLS.

7pm Jeff & Char come to the condo with stuff for s'mores, praise the Lord. I had some chocolate and things seemed to calm down as we talked and as Pete took over the chasing of our one year old. We played some bago when Jeb & Stiener showed up and had a good time.

8pm Mak went to bed and Pete's parents went home. Jeb, Steiner, Pete & I watched some TV and talked until about 11pm when we crashed. All I can say is "Mama said there'd be days like this" and she was RIGHT.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thursday June 4th

6:30am I woke up to find Pete still in bed with me (he didn't have to work) but I got out of bed to get ready and let him still sleep.

8am Mak wakes up (I'm thinking she's starting to change her wake up time from 6:30am to 8am... but I'm OK with it!!)

8:30am We run up to Starbucks to eat outside and enjoy some breakfast and an iced coffee. It was a beautiful morning to sit outside and Makenzie loved watching all the cars and customers. We again, drove past my new dream house. AHHHHH. Can't believe we actually found something that is perfect... now 1) sell the house 2) save money 3) hopefully they lower the price some more... and then we could make a move.

10:am Pete watches Makenzie so that I can go shopping with my mom and his father's day gift. I got him some awesome stuff that I can't wait to give him!! My mom & I enjoyed the time for just the two of us and not having the mess with getting Mak in and out for every store. Below is a picture of the new pajamas we got her while shopping :)

12pm We eat lunch outside to enjoy the sunshine and I stuff my face with spaghetti and meatballs. SO yummy. Pete had Makenzie's pool all blown up so I started to fill it with water. Yes, another afternoon in the baby pool!!

12:30pm - 4ish We just play outside and inside and try to keep a very uncomfortable one year old happy. She is teething and missing her morning bottle very much. We put Makenzie down for another nap since we can't go home because of a showing. We played games while she slept.

5ish We get in the truck and head home. I cleaned and packed to get ready to leave for WI the next day while Pete cleaned his truck and packed it up. We wanted to be ready to leave whenever he gets off work... which could be between noon to seven at night... who knows. Mak loves to take picture of ourselves while looking at the screen (I flip it around so she can see herself)... so here is a not so flattering shot of the two of us!!

(I'll be in WI this weekend without internet so I'll have to post Friday & Saturday after the weekend!!)

Wednesday June 3rd

6am I get up as usual, trying to get ready and organized before Mak wakes up. I shower and work on some paperwork.

8am Makenzie finally wakes up. I took a picture of her in the morning to show you all the adorable smile I get every morning. The wakes up soo happy, even when teething.

9am Makenzie and I are eating breakfast and planning on going to the store to get dinner for Jeb and his friends who are stopping by on the way from TX to WI. While I'm planning on where they will sleep, what time I'll make dinner, etc... Pete calls to tell me that he is going on a road trip. SO, my plans all change. I start to pack up to go stay at my mom & dads (I HATE staying home alone).

10am My mom comes over because we were going to run some errands but Mak changed our plans when she decided to sleep from 10 to noon. We get all packed up and pick up the house and then we just sat and waited. We ate lunch at around 11:30. (spagettios, lol)

12pm On the way out my mom had me check the birds nest bc she things they hatched. To my surprise, one little naked baby bird was sitting there!! So cute. I had to call Pete to tell him and he was very excited too.We ran errands until about 4ish and decided that Makenzie needed a nap. Since she wont sleep in the car we went to my mom's house to put her down. We drove past a home that just went close to our price range and FELL IN LOVE with it. Seriously... it is just PERFECT for us. It's one four acres, has four bedrooms and is in the perfect location. We also lowered our price of the house and now we have a showing friday at 3:30pm... pray it sells!!

6pm We meet my mom's friend for mexican dinner and sit and talk about how crazy life can be.

7:30pm I finally get Mak in the tub and we do a quick bottle and I tried to get her in bed at 8 but she was having fun playing so it was about 8:30 until she was in her crib. My mom and I went in their hot tub with a glass of wine and relaxed. I then got a call from Pete that he was going to drive through and just come home... which I am not a big fan of. Don't get me wrong.. I love having him sleep next to me but I don't like that he drives for that long of a time without a break.

10pm I finally go to bed and I try not to worry about Pete driving... but you know me... I worried :) I prayed and fell asleep. (Pete got home sometime in the night and didn't even wake me up!)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tuesday June 2nd

6:00am I woke up to get ready for work. Makenzie was still sleeping so I spent sometime working on my blog post. I talked to Pete on the phone and another friend while I was waiting for her to wake up.

8:00am Mak finally wakes up and I change her and put her in the car to go meet Grandma and Grandpa. She's still in her jammies and kind of sleepy so it was a quiet ride listening to a Dixie Chicks CD. I meet my mom and dad at the church where they give me an iced coffee and I give them my baby, lol... for the day while I work at the office.

9:00am I get to work and I am trying to focus on payroll while I have a very hyper dispatcher wanting me to work on other things with him. Payroll was easier than normal with the short work week so I was able to get it done before lunch. April got us all Portillos and we celebrated the fact that we are getting a huge payout tomorrow!! Such a relief.

1:00pm I start to work on projects with Todd and we get a TON done. It was a very productive day at work. Pete gets back to the shop and offers to pick up Makenzie so that I can keep working.

4:00pm I get in my car to go home and I called my friend Annette to vent about some stuff. It was a great talk and she had some words of wisdom that really helped. Miss you annette :) Then I get started on dinner. Pete finished mowing the lawn while Mak played on the kitchen floor so I could keep cooking a mexican dish with rice. Pete also helped our neighbors dig out some grass for a patio they are putting in. While dinner is in the oven Makenzie and I read some books and played with some animal flash cards.

5:30pm We got done eating and Pete got a call from his brother about him and his friends staying the night on Wednesday. I got Makenzie in the tub while he was talking and she played awhile. After coming up with a route from OK to IL Pete came upstairs and got Makenzie ready for bed while I did a deposit for Catom. Makenzie came walking into the room in a "dress" (one of my tank tops) and a head band!! It was HILARIOUS. She loves dressing up and spins around and just smiles and laughs. She played for awhile in the dress until her head banged into her crib when she was reaching for a hair piece and her lips started to bleed.

7:30pm After a bottle and some cuddling she was ready for bed. She is down to only one bottle a day and she really savors it, lol. We put her down and we went downstairs to clean up and then relax. I was feeling super emotional, so a good talk with Pete really helped me get alot off my chest. He is a good listener and an even better hugger. He had another early start in the morning so we decided to start devotionals early and just head up to bed.

10:3opm Our plans did not work out... we ended up talk more and more and realized how late it was and could not believe it!! Poor Pete... he only got a couple hours of sleep...